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  • contact@novostarimmigration.com
  • Unit 263, 7025 Tomken Rd Mississauga, ON L5S 1R6

Express Entry: Express Entry is an online system used to manage immigration applications from skilled workers.

Express Entry came into operation on January 1, 2015. Potential candidates can make expression of interest in Immigrating to Canada. They create an Express Entry profile providing information about their skillswork experience, language ability, education and other personal information. If they are eligible w.r.t tot the skills they possess then they enter the Express Entry pool. This is majorly used to manage applications for skilled and qualified workers. The time taken is approximately 6 month of processing time for most applications.

From the express entry pool the best suits the needs of the federal government, provincial governments, as well as Canadian employers receive an ‘Invitation to Apply (ITA) under one of the programs. The express entry pool doesn’t work on first come first serve methodology. It is entirely dependant on the candidature who can be best for economic success in Canada.

Eligible candidates submit their profile on the website of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC). They receive a Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) score every two weeks. IRCC then invites immigration candidates with the highest CRS scores to apply for permanent residence.

There are 3 immigration programs managed through Express Entry:

  • Canadian Experience Class – This is for skilled workers who have Canadian work experience and want to become permanent residents.
  • Federal Skilled Worker Program – This program is for skilled workers with foreign work experience who want to immigrate to Canada permanently.
  • Federal Skilled Trades Program – The Federal Skilled Trades Program is for skilled workers who want to become permanent residents based on being qualified in a skilled trade.

If the candidate is eligible for any one of the above programs, the candidate can also apply through Express Entry for the Provincial Nominee Program. Once the candidate is nominated, he/she get’s extra points and will be invited to apply quickly.

How to Apply for Express Entry

Express Entry is very simple process. It has two major stages. In the first stage is ‘expression of interest’, candidates who are eligible for Express Entry indicate to the Canadian government their expression of interest in obtaining Canadian permanent resident status. In the second  stage, the Canadian government invites the highest-scoring candidates to immigrate to Canada.

Follow the step-by-step process on how to submit your Express Entry profile and obtain a permanent residence visa to immigrate to Canada:

  • Test Eligibility: Find out the eligibility for Express Entry.
  • Obtain ECA: Complete language testingand obtain an Educational Credential Assessment (ECA).
  • Submit IRCC: Submit profile on the website of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC).
  • Wait for ITA: Wait for invitation to apply (ITA) for permanent residence from IRCC.
  • Submit for APR: Submit completed Application for Permanent Residence (APR) to IRCC and pay the fees within the specified deadline. Include medical exam and police certificates as part of this step. IRCC will then provide with an Acknowledgment of Receipt (AOR).
  • Biometrics: Submit biometrics once IRCC asks to do so.
  • Wait for COPR: Wait for IRCC to make a final decision on your APR. IRCC aims to finalize applications in 6 months or less. Once the application is approved the candidate will receive a Confirmation of Permanent Residence (COPR) and a permanent resident visa with which the candidate can travel to Canada.

How long does the Express Entry process take?

The validity for an Express Entry profile is up to one year. It takes upto six months for the Canadian government to process their permanent residence applications. The the processing time begins when a complete permanent residence application is received. The processing time ends when a final decision is made on the application. A candidate can wait upto one year to receive an ITA. If they don’t receive they can simply re-submit their profile if they are still eligible.